Mik­lós Both's pre­s­en­ta­ti­on on Bach 2 Fu­tu­re 2023

Conference on the future of classical music, hosted by JM Hungary & Papageno at Müpa Budapest. Bach 2 Future, the European Forum on Music 2023 will take place in Budapest on 8-10 June 2023.

9:30 Session 1 – New tools for timeless music
Miklós Both 
Folk_ME– A good practice in digital folk music education: Folk_ME – Folk Music Education for Future Generations is an innovative education project, that targets not only public education but music enthusiasts as well. The project’s main output is a newly developed digital toolkit that can integrate traditions into a broader context creatively in music education, by which the project gives a solution to save disappearing European folk heritage inspired by the Polyphony Project’s research and online archive.


Er­dély­ből Er­dély­be

Fehér Anikó Erdélyből Erdélybe című írását ajánljuk a Ritmus és hang blogon, mely Jávorszky Béla Kelemen László című életrajzi könyvéről és annak könyvbemutatójáról készült.

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