The Ko­loz­s­vár Fair

Although increasingly forgotten in today’s world of shopping malls, it was not so long ago that the marketplace played an essential role in the daily life of municipalities, including Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca, Romania). It was here that you could buy fresh vegetables from Hóstát farmers, milk and butter from Kalotaszeg (part of Cluj Region, Romania) women, or cattle from Szék (Sic, Romania) or Mezőség (part of Cluj Region, Romania) peasants; traders would also spend their money here following a successful day, prospective couples would get acquainted, and customers gossip and learn about the latest news.

The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble brings the atmosphere of this imaginary marketplace to the stage, focusing on creating historical horizons from fragmented memories rather than aiming for completeness, and using the poetic language of folk dance and folk music instead of dramatic enactment.

Words are cited from texts by Gábor Mihályi.

 The performance was created for the X. Hungarian Cultural Days of Kolozsvár.

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