Ven­ue Rent­al

The Fin de siècle "Vigadó" (Entertainment Hall) of Buda has served as the cultural center of Buda for a century. It contains, among other facilities, a library and an auditorium. The relative simplicity of the façade is contrasted by a rich Are Nouveau ornamentation in the interior, the most impressive parts of which are the hall with its columns and wide marble staircase, the ornamented lounge, and the adjacent auditorium. Because of its versatility, the building can host several kinds of events.



Further information

In case of business-related and cultural events:

Dóra Nagy
+36 30-572-0964


Venues for rent


Frequently Asked Questions

Folk_ME has been in­tro­duced in Qatar

Hungarian Heritage House’s digital music education program, which garnered interest from several countries, opening up new opportunities for collaboration.

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