Crosstalk - Gy­ula Far­kas Me­mori­al Con­cert

Gyula Farkas Memorial Concert

Our concert honors the memory of Gyula Farkas, a founding member of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, who pursued his musical and artistic activities with the ensemble between 1950 and 1960. In 1952, he founded the Rajkó Orchestra, of which he was conductor and artistic director until his death in May 1990.

Farkas orchestrated works by great classical composers (Ferenc Liszt, Zoltán Kodály, Béla Bartók) for gypsy rhythms. In doing so, he created a unique sound that is recognized and admired worldwide to this day. Thanks to his outstanding musical taste and orchestration, he has taken Gypsy music from the cramped confines of restaurants to the world's great stages, where the culture and history of Hungarians and Gypsies have been heard together, dazzling audiences.

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