Hungarian folk narratives: a traditional storytelling course
Oral folklore and its methodology
Accredited by the Hungarian Ministry of Education
This accredited course aims to provide the knowledge necessary for the authentic presentation of Hungarian folk narratives. The course material embraces the ethnographic, literary and dramatic knowledge underlying genuine folk storytelling.
The course was launched in order to fill in the methodological gap behind folk storytelling. Whereas folk music and folk singing have for long had an appropriate methodological basis, teachers interested in folk narratives had no authentic sources to turn to. This is chiefly due to the oral nature of folk narratives; genuine folk storytelling cannot be learnt solely from books, no matter how good the books are. The essentials of authentic storytelling lie in spoken expressions, idiomatic phrases and in the character of the storyteller. Therefore, personal contact is inevitable for becoming a good folk storyteller.
The course features ethnographers researching on folk narratives and folk storytellers as teachers. The theoretical part of the course focuses on the tradition and history of Hungarian folk narratives, their regional characteristics and the greatest figures of Hungarian folk storytelling. The practical part includes a right implementation of different storytelling techniques and finding one's genuine storytelling character and best-fitting narratives.
Courses take place on five weekends between October and February.
Non-native speakers are welcome, however an advanced level of spoken Hungarian is required.
Further information and admissions:
Márta Legeza
Hagyományok Háza (Hungarian Heritage House)
Népművészeti Módszertani Műhely (Applied Folk Arts Department)
Folklór Osztály (Folklore Section)
8 Corvin tér, 1011 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: +36 1 225-6067
Fax: +36 1 225-3631
Ahol a madár se jár
Mesemondó baráti kör felnőtteknek a Hagyományok Háza szervezésében, a Meseszó Egyesület szakmai partnerségével minden hónap harmadik csütörtökén.
Meseszó az óvodában, iskolában
Bevezető a hagyományos mesemondás gyakorlatába, 30 órás akkreditált, gyakorlat-orientált képzés
Jelentkezési határidő: 2023. augusztus 25.
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Ahol a madár se jár
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