Dance for the Little Ones - "Aprók tánca"

Every Friday afternoon the Hungarian Heritage House opens its gates for children and their parents who would like to play, to dance, to sing, to do handicrafts and wish to get acquainted with the Hungarian folk traditions. Every week you can dance and enjoy the music of different instruments (bagpipe, hurdy-gurdy, flute, violin, viola, double bass, kobza, hit gardon).

Dance House for the Little Ones takes place every Friday from 17:00 till 18:30 in the Community Hall of the Hungarian Heritage House.

Entrance fee: 500 HUF (for everybody over 2 years)

Photo gallery 1

Photo Galery 2

Further Information:

Márta Legeza

Hungarian Heritage House - Folklore Section

6. Fő utca, 1011 Budapest, Hungary

Phone/Fax: (+36 30) 731 1327

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A Kerekutca nem csupán Varga Julcsáról és Basa Pistáról szól, sokkal inkább mindannyiunkról, gyerekekről és felnőttekről, emberi kapcsolatokról egyaránt. 

Paár Ju­lc­si: Rókatánc

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