Fam­il­ies Greet­ing the New Year

Greeting the New Year is now an established tradition in the life of the Hungarian Heritage House. In 2024, families engaged in folk music, folk dance and folk art will be in the limelight, whether it's a micro-community, a dance ensemble or families still actively working in folk art. The central theme of the evening is determined by Béla Bartók's Violin Duos performed by Barnabás Kelemen and his son, Gáspár. These melodies, accompanied by dance productions, take us to the most beautiful regions of the Carpathian Basin. 

For centuries, the sense of belonging in communities has been a binding force that has overcome countless difficulties not only in the various elements of society but also in culture. During his collection trips, Bartók would visit communities and families where, in addition to family traditions, the tradition of music-making and dance melted together with a comprehensive knowledge and experience of everyday life. We still know families and communities living in this legacy – though transplanted and reformed –which they acquired through several generations and continue to pass on. Let's celebrate the New Year by getting to know these treasures; let's join and be a part of this unique and constantly reviving tradition!

The undisguised aim of our performance is to say goodbye to the Old Year and welcome the New Year as a community, highlighting the importance of the fact that the uplifting feeling of belonging can easily cross borders.

The dance and music groups of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble
Barnabás and Gáspár Kelemen — violin
Lajos Pál and family
Kálmán Magyar and family
Roland Bezovszki and family
Kálmán Kincses and family
Imre Nagy and family
Angyalföld Vadrózsa Dance Ensemble, Artistic Directors: Kristóf Fundák, Lili Fundák-Kaszai
Mihály Kupec and family and the Péter Ilosvai Selymes Dance Ensemble
Tibor Horváth and family, and the Zselic Elementary Art School

Director: Gábor Mihály 
Editor: István Pál "Szalonna"

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