Hun­gari­an Her­it­age House - Dance House

​The permanent dance house series of the Hungarian Heritage House, hosted in the glass-roofed Atrium of the Hungarian Heritage House, continues every Saturday from 7 pm to 2 am.

In our dance houses we put great emphasis on teaching dance, where people with dancing feet may learn the dances of a particular region from excellent instructors over several months. The end of each cycle is celebrated with a ball, with local musicians from the region being invited to each occasion. Talented folk singers will introduce you to the melodies of the different regions, and the best-known orchestras will keep you entertained until dawn, providing an opportunity for a great time.

On Saturday evenings, your place is here in the dance house of the Hungarian Heritage House, learn and dance the mezőkölpényi with us!

Mezőkölpényi dance instructors:
beginner: Nagy Richárd and Marosi Gerda
advanced: Galát Péter and Vatai  Barbara
Teaches singing: Enyedi Ági
Music: FixStimm zenekar, Talléros együttes


We welcome total beginners and those who are starting over again to our beginner's dance course! In our beginner group, those who want to dance can acquire such basic dance skills that they will be able to have fun with in the later dance houses.


Entrance fee:

From 7 pm (dance lessons + dance house) 2400 HUF,

From 9 pm (dance house) 1400 HUF


Ticket sales are available until 10 pm, after that you can purchase the tickets online.

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