Tra­di­tion­al­ists from Őrkő

The Mocsel family comes from Sepsiszentgyörgy in Transylvania, near the gypsy colony of several thousand people residing under the Őrkő Mountain. Being Hungarian gypsies from Háromszék, the family’s everyday life has included a tradition of dancing and singing for generations. Everyone in their village shall be able to sing, old and young alike. The family is the smallest cell in human society. Its important task is to create and maintain the child's spiritual balance. A child starts learning the legacy of its ancestors as early as an unborn child, and after birth, it learns values and behaviour primarily from its parents and grandparents. These are the ideas and values that the Mocsel family lives by every day. Antal "Rémusz" Mocsel and Piroska Mocsel, both traditionalists of Őrko, are renowned through their dance skills for a good reason. Their dancing tradition is carried on by their son Rémuszka and grandchildren Hunor and Vivien.

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