Ro­mance and Dance Can­on - Joint Per­form­ance of the Hun­gari­an State Folk En­sembe and the Bal­let of Győr

The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble celebrates its 70th anniversary with guest artists and prominent representatives of the associated arts. One of the celebrations’ phases is the jubilee series of performances titled Dance-Dance-Dance. 

Ballet of Győr: Romance - Homage to Zoltán Kodály

László Velekei first worked on Zoltán Kodály's works in 2013 - this is how our highly successful piece KODÁLY was born. Reinventing this piece, he authored Romance, a choreography that draws from all corners of the world-famous composer's work, paying tribute to the Hungarian musicologist, music teacher and folk music researcher.

Assistant: Zsuzsanna Kara 

Costumees: Orsolya Baracsi 

Lighting: László Velekei, Péter Hécz

Stage design: László Velekei, Tibor Vidos

Dramaturgy: Alexandra Csepi

Choreographed by: László Velekei Seregi – and Harangozó Award Holder, Artist of Merit

Danced by:

Widow – Adrienn Matuza

Husband – Bálint Sebestyén Harangozó Award Holder

Wooer – Jekli Zoltán Harangozó Award Holder


Lili Anna Marjai, Eszter Adria Herkovics, Tatiana Shipilova, Barbara Tüű, Tetiana Baranovska, Gerda Guti


Patrik Engelbrecht, Luigi Iannone, Artem Pozdeev, Daichi Uematsu, Máté Gémesi, Gergely Golubkovic

Contributing/On recording: Eszter Pál (Megöltek egy legényt, Esti dal)


Hungarian State Folk Ensemble: Dance Canon

In the production of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, for which Kodály's oeuvre serves as a reference, tradition is presented with radical vitality, as in previous programmes, in symbiosis with contemporary manifestations of our present times.
The story revolves around the small moments in the life of an imaginary community, the musical framework of which is formed by the compositions of Zoltán Kodály (and his contemporary Béla Bartók) and folk songs collected by the composer. Throughout the scenes, we can follow the formation and break of human relationships, joys and sorrows, as well as the rituals of everyday life and celebrations.

Musical Director – Musical Editor: István Pál Szalonna

Composer: Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály, László Kelemen, Eszter Pál, István Pál Szalonna, Lajos Pál

Choreographer: Dezső Fitos, Enikő Kocsis, Gábor Mihályi, Calin Orza

Costume Designer: Edit Szűcs

Set design: Zsuzsa Molnár

Video Animation: Andrea Soós

Director / Choreographer: Gábor Mihályi

Performing: Dance and Music Orchestra of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble and Zsófia Staszny (invited artist), On recording: Beáta Czébely and Mátyás Bolya

Voice: Júlia Kubinyi, Milán Hetényi

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