Several centuries of European culture and history have disappeared in the mists of time and myth...

After Antiquity, waves of great migrations came, followed by centuries of Christianity creating a unified, but still diverse culture in this part of the world.

In a dance-language inherited from our ancestors, this performance tells stories of human emotion, chronicles of magnificent battles between love and death, all through the characteristic colors of Spring (birth), Summer (consummation), Autumn (loss) and Winter (dance macabre).

As if on an archaeological excavation, the forms and treasures of past millennia are put together like the fragmentary remains of a fresco, the parts being captured in the maelstrom of a Carnival.

History comes to life inspired by our living traditions. Our well-known songs and dances, displaying various ethnic characteristics, show the strength of our European ties.


Through this modern interpretation of archaic forms, we express our faith in the continuity of this culture.

The overwhelming and lyrical scenes of this monumental and spectacular dance-vision imply the influence of European (and Hungarian) culture on the world. It is worth marveling at this culture one more time before the movement of globalization melts its variety and colors into a larger and uniform concept of new Europeanism.

The "fresco" is both new and familiar: it can be lived through and relived repeatedly.


First Performance: 7. June 2005., Palace of Arts - Festival Theater, Budapest

Part I


The Well of the Past

Bringer of Light



Springtime Jubilation

"Sweet Ilona Görög"

Falcon's Song





Fire Jumping

Witches' Dance

Triumphant Summer


Part II


A Hymn to Wine

Our Groves are withering

Oh, Great Blue Sphere of Sky!

The Birds Retreat


Bard's Song

A Dark Day

Dance Macabre



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