Folk mu­sic

The Folklore Section of the Applied Folk Arts Department focuses on educating the best teachers of folk dance, folk music and folk narratives. In order to achieve this goal, several courses are available for the further education of teachers.

There are two regularly announced accredited courses for teachers of Hngarian folksinging and music. The courses usually last fro, October to April, having three-hor sessions every week. The courses are accredited by the Hungarian Ministry of Education.

The Hungarian folksongs for teachers course focuses on authentic folk singing and its methodology. Folk songs are organic parts of Hungarian education even today. It is a common experience however, that although most kindergarten and primary school teachers enjoy teaching folk songs and are convinced of their importance, they have not received the proper education for authentically presenting and teaching these songs. This course aims to be an aid to teachers who wish to sing with their students in an authentic way. Besides teaching the appropriate singing techniques, the course wishes to be a sort of "immersion" into Hungarian folk culture. Since folksongs are inseparable from traditional occasions and customs as well as from the personalities of the singers, the course wishes to provide a cultural background of traditional occasions together with a chance to meet great Hungarian folk singers, thereby getting a real-life experience that can be successfully passed on to younger generations. The course is taught by ethnographers and renowned Hungarian folk singers with an extensive experience in teaching.

The other course, titled "The flute is signing" is recommended to kindergarten and primary school teachers wishing to incorporate music playing in their curriculum. Since wind instruments are the easiest to handle for several reasons, when it comes to teaching music, most kindergarten and primary school teachers choose the flute. The folk type of flute however differs from the classical "blockflöte" type in numerous respects. Having less holes and a completely different type of mouthpiece, the folk flute needs a different technique of playing. Moreover, the traditional method of learning to play also differs in the case of the folk flute. Shepherds, the traditional flute players usually played the tunes they already knew how to sing. The course follows this practice: singing and flute-playing are taught simultaneously, paying a special attention to their strong connection in folk tradition. The course is taught jointly by a folk singer and a flute player, both winners of the "Young master of Folk Art" title.


Further Information:

Hagyományok Háza (Hungarian Heritage House)

Népművészeti Módszertani Műhely (Applied Folk Arts Department)

Folklór Osztály (Folklore Section)

Alexandra Berta

8 Corvin tér, 1011 Budapest, Hungary

Phone/Fax: +36 1 225-6086

Mag­yar népi ének tan­folyam

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Akkreditált képzések

Mag­yar népi ének tan­folyam

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