Fer­enc Csonka: Mély (Deep)

Ferenc Csonka is the First Violinist of the Rozsdamaró Band from Szeged, as well as the Csonka Ferenc and Band from Délvidék (Southland). Both formations have recently released their respective individual albums called Mély (Deep) and Katonasors (Soldiers’ Life). In line with the concept of the Masters and Pupil concert series, this concert is based upon songs featured on these two albums, accompanied by the Pendergő tambura band and Luca Tillinkó from Horgos.  The first violinist of the Pendergő tambura band was mentored in folk music by Ferenc Csonka, while Luca Tillinkó is a young and perspective pupil of the master.
Ferenc Csonka, a first violinist from Vajdaság (Vojvodina), received the Béla Halmos Rolling Award in 2019. This award is presented to active dance house and traditional folk instrument musicians under the age of 40, showing dedication in their field that spans across the borders.  The rolling award grants the right to use the master violin of Béla Halmos, created by János Barbarossa, for a period of one year.


Featured artists: Orsolya Varga, Levente Lajkó, László Papp, Gábor Nagy, Krisztián Kisgyőri, Gusztáv Králik.

Ticket price: 2100 HUF

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