Bok­ros Trió and its guests - "I live my world hap­pily"

The Bokros Trió is an extremely exciting folk music based, world-, and contemporary music formation, which reflects Béla Szerényi's more than thirty years of artistic activity. Special instruments and music with a unique sound characterize this creative community, whose sophisticated and intellectual musical world is shown in dynamic productions that appeal to all ages.

The music of the Trio goes far beyond the boundaries of genres, in addition to authentic folk music, improvisational world music efforts and elements of early music seasoned with contemporary ideas are also heard.

Contributors: Balázs András Barabás, Mihály Borbély, Béla Szerényi, jr. Béla Szerényi, Domokos Szerényi

Duration of the performance: ~ 80 minutes (in 1 part)

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