Barozda Band - János Ká­joni and Folk Mu­sic

Founded in Miercurea Ciuc in 1976, the Barozda Band undertook to collect and interpret authentic Hungarian folk music from the beginning, it was the starter of the first Transylvanian dance houses, thereby fulfilling a determining role in the Transylvanian dance house movement. Along with folk music, the Band also committed itself to old music, and it was one of the initiators and organizers of the Old Music Festival of Miercurea Ciuc, until the festival became banned in 1986. Many of the internationally renowned band’s members have fled to the West from the harassment of the Ceaușescu Regime, continuing with their activities there, performing in several European countries. The regime change in 1989 made it possible for the Band to perform in Hungary again. Since that time, the Band has regularly appeared on the domestic stages, both with folk concerts and old music concerts.

Cantionale Catholicum

On the 350th anniversary of the birth of János Kájoni, the Barozda Band played for the first time from the melodies of the Kájoni Codex in the courtyard of Mikó Castle in Miercurea-Ciuc. This year, on the 390th anniversary of Kájoni’s birth, the Band will perform a new Kájoni program, featuring the melodies of the Codex and of the Cantionale Catholicum also edited by Kájoni, this time along with their versions preserved in folk tradition.

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