Guest Per­form­ance of the Hun­gari­an State Folk En­semble Del­eg­a­tion in Rome

At the invitation of the Collegium Hungaricum Rome - Hungarian Academy in Rome, a delegation of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble arrived in Rome on 31 March. Following the opening of the exhibition of Orsolya Csilléry, graphic artist, and Gyöngyi Bácsné Balla, lace-maker and costume-maker, titled “Ideography and Embroidery (Képírás és hímzés nyelvén)”, Gábor Mihályi, Esteemed and Merited Artist and Full Member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, gave a very colorful and highly successful speech for the mostly Italian audience titled "Hungarian Dancers – A Tour of Music and Dance from the Middle Ages to Nowadays". The program, featuring video recordings, live music by the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble and short dance performances by the Ensemble's soloists, is a kind of dance history tour through 1000 years of peasant dances and music, from the reform era to the present day, from the Somogyi ugrós to Transylvanian partner dances.

MÁNE táncház

The next day, on 1 April, our artists gave a short dance performance in the ballroom of the Falconieri Palace, followed by a cheerful dance house. We would like to thank the Hungarian Academy of Arts for its support, which made the program possible.

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