Sing­er Anna Hideg from Ördöngös­füzes

Istvánné Lakatos Anna Hideg is one of the last great Transylvanian ballad singers alive today and one of the "classic" storytellers of Hungarian folklore history. She lives in Ördöngösfüzes, a few kilometres from Szamosújvár, in the Mezőség region. The village is ethnically and religiously heterogeneous: it is inhabited by Hungarians, Romanians, Gypsies, who are Reformed, Catholic, Orthodox or Greek Catholic, so the culture of the village is very rich in various inter-ethnic and inter-denominational interactions. Auntie Anna knows not only the folk music of her own community, but also some of the repertoire of the Romanian population living in the village. Her folklore repertoire includes jocular tales, adages, folk legends and true stories. She receivied the Master of Folk Art Award in 2010 for her singing and storytelling skills.

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