The Mu­sic of the Stick Dance

This book contains a selection from a collection of over 300 stick-dance tunes recorded by the folk-dance and folk-music researcher György Martin.
$3 500,00
    Release year
    ISBN Number
    408 oldal

    The book also contains excerpts from his publications on the stick dance and its accompanying music. Owing to his early departure, Martin was unable to bring his plans to completion. Now, when we remember him on the seventieth anniversary of his birth, we try to repay an old debt by publishing a volume of material from his precious legacy, a legacy that now serves as a documentary source for scientific folk-music research.

    We owe this not only to György Martin, who was the chief collector and editor of the material, but also to his colleagues, and last but not least to the performers of the songs from whom we have inherited this complex wealth of melodies.

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